Fall 2021 Virtual Domestic Violence Awareness Training

Thank you for your interest in signing up for DOVE's Domestic Violence Awareness Training.

3 social work CEUs are offered per training session.

All training sessions will be held virtually. Participants will receive access information via email.

Training sessions are $30.00 per session ($35 with  CEUS) or $270 ($315 with CEUs) when you register for all 10 sessions.

Checks can be made out to DOVE, Inc. and mailed to:

P.O. Box 690267
Quincy, MA

You can also pay online at

Please email Jen.Bolton@dovema.org if you have any questions. Thank you again.

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Please select the training sessions that you would like to attend. *
Full Name *
Email *
Organization *
Phone number *
How did you hear about the training? *
 Which of the following best describes you in relation to your attendance at this training? *
 Will you be applying for social work CEUs? (only applies to licensed social workers) *
Do you have any accessibility requests you would like to make us aware of?
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