Random Pokemon Character Design
This is for people who want a total surprise! Pokemon edition! Everything about the character is randomly generated.

Basically, everything about the character is randomly generated:
- I use a random number generator to randomly pick a number between 1 and 1025 (or however many Pokemon there are at the time).  Whatever number is drawn will be the number of the pokemon species that the character will be.  For example, if I draw a 1, the character will be a bulbasaur.  If I draw a 348, the character will be an Armaldo.  Etc, etc.
- If the pokemon species has a number, it is fair game.  This includes legendaries and ultrabeasts.  You have just as much of a chance to get something well known like a charizard as you do something more obscure.
- For species with regional variants such as Ponyta or Vulpix, I will roll another dice to see what variant you get.
- I then use a word generator to randomly generate three words as an inspiration for the character.
- Once I roll a number, that's the pokemon you get.  No rerolls since this is supposed to be just as much as a challenge for myself as it is a surprise for you.  
- The buyer can choose what gender they want or it can be selected at random.
- Accessories, animal companions and weapons are also generated at random.
- I even use a name generator to come up with the character's name.

Once the form is filled out and everything looks good, I will get in contact you through the provided email with a final quote.  If you agree to the price, I will send an invoice.  Once it is paid for, I will start working!
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