There must be a National Agenda. There must be a platform that speaks to the poverty and disparity that plagues the black community. There must be a National Agenda, an avenue that allows the voices of the abandoned to redress and strategize toward solutions of issues such as education, health care and economics. There must be a comprehensive strategy adopted by a core body for the purpose of re-galvanizing and refocusing on the economic problems and solutions that will create a change in the lifestyle of the communities that in the past have been abandoned. A core group must be formulated of progressive thinkers, organizations, religious institutions working diligently in areas to improve our communities such as: our local NAACP, the New Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam,  National Association for Colored Women, One hundred Black Men, progressive churches and civic groups. 

The core group will be called LOC’s (Local Organizing Committees).

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