Impact of COVID-19 on Art Workers
As COVID-19 upends daily life for art workers, we created a questionnaire to help quickly gauge the economic impact of this crisis. Unlike other industries (e.g. restaurants/bars) that have well-defined labor statistics, existing information on art labor is scarce.

We need better information to evaluate COVID-related policy proposals, especially because the art world relies on freelance labor at small institutions who may be exempt from paid leave requirements. For this reason we will make our findings public as soon as possible.

This questionnaire has been put together by Art Handler magazine. Your personal information will remain anonymous. [, @arthandlermag]
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Has your employer required you to report to work during the COVID outbreak?
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Have you been offered paid leave by your employer(s)?
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How much income, in US Dollars, will you lose over the next two weeks as a result of COVID-19?
If you work more than one job, please list the total income you expect to lose over the next two weeks.
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How much income will you lose as a percentage of your normal household income over the next two weeks?
"Household income" is the combined income normally earned by you and any family members/partners you live with (please do not include roommates). For example, if you expect to lose $100 over the next two weeks, and your total household income would normally be $400 over that same period, you stand to lose 25%.
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What is your employment type?
If you have more than one employer, please select all that apply.
What type of institution do you work for?
Please select all that apply if you have more than one employer.
How many people work for your primary employer? (Skip this answer if you're not sure.)
If you have more than one employer, please answer for the job that usually pays you the most.
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Can you telecommute to work?
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Are you concerned about your ability to pay rent or mortgage due to lost income from COVID-19?
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Are you concerned about your ability to cover basic living expenses (food, utilities, cell phone) due to lost income from COVID-19?
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Please list your city, state/province, and country
Please confirm your consent to participate in this survey. The results will be presented publicly as aggregate data/trends (not individual responses). In order to keep your participation anonymous, we have not asked for your name or other identifying information. *
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