Jury Petition Form
Please review the Jury Exam requirements in the student handbook before submitting this form. 
  • All undergraduate music majors are required to perform three jury exams as part of their degree requirements. 
  • Students may petition to substitute a Concerto Competition, Ronis Recital or Student Recital performance for a Level Jury (MUAP 20) or Exit Jury (MUAP 30/MUAP 35) by filling out the Jury Petition Form by week 8 of the semester in which the jury will take place. 
  • Student recitals should only replace a jury if they take place prior to the jury period in the same term.
  • Authorization from your primary applied instructor is required. 
  • This petition is due to the music office by week 8 of the semester or before the scheduled performance (whichever happens first). 
  • All event details must be in place prior to submitting this form. 
Questions: Jennifer Wright (jmh207@case.edu)
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Email *
Name *
Network ID (abc123) *
Student ID (7-digit) *
Instrument/Voice *
Applied Instructor *
Authorization *
Have you received authorization from your applied instructor? After submitting this form, please email the authorization to Jennifer Wright (jmh207@case.edu). Your request will NOT be approved without proof of authorization.
Jury Exam *
I request that my performance be substituted for my (select one):
Proposed semester of petition *
Term and year (example: Fall 2020).
Justification *
Please explain why this substitution is appropriate.
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