Moove Information Form
Please complete the form below to apply and sure all information is linked to your Uber Profile.

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Full Name *
Please provide you first and last name
email *
*Linked to your Uber Profile
phone_number *
*Linked to your Uber Profile i.e 09012345678
Information Sharing Agreement
By clicking submit you hereby authorize Uber Technologies Inc. and Uber B.V. (“Uber”) to share with its UberMarketplace service providers your above contact information, information related to your eligibility to offer transportation services on the Uber technology platform, and your historical usage details starting with the first date you were approved to provide services on the platform. You acknowledge that any agreement between you and the service provider is in no way linked to Uber and is entirely between you and the provider. Uber does not take responsibility for what happens to your data or information once it has been shared with the service provider.
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