For the Record Poll January 2021: Would You Rather?
Welcome to this month's poll for For the Record, the monthly publication of the New Lawyer Division of the San Diego County Bar Association! This month's poll theme is "Would You Rather?"  We also ask that you answer the two questions at the end to give your feedback to the New Lawyer Division.

Be sure to check out the full January 2021 For the Record edition at

Don't forget to tune in to next month's edition for the results from the "Would You Rather?" questions. We look forward to serving you this year!
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Would you rather:
Batalkan pilihan
Would you rather:
Batalkan pilihan
Would you rather:
Batalkan pilihan
While you're here, let us know what types of events and programming you would like to see from the New Lawyer Division this year.
While you're here, let us know what type of content you would like to see in For the Record this year.
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