SPEX Eyewear Inc.
Just answer the following questions and look for an email from christy@spexeyewearinc.com within one business day with your personal recommendations! 

Before you begin, grab any type of glasses that don't feel too big or too small against your head + a measuring device (tape, ruler, etc.)

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Email Address  *
Would you like to receive our weekly newsletter + sale notifications via email?  *
Name *
You're shopping for (select all that apply) *
For prescription glasses only: I'm shopping for 
When trying on any type of glasses they are usually *
What frame shape do you prefer? (select all that apply)  *
Is your frame size listed inside your current pair of glasses? (usually listed inside the temple or bridge, two or three sets of numbers like 50-20-140)  *
How to find your frame size:
If yes, please write it here:
Grab a pair of glasses that fit you well across the front (ones that don't squeeze your head or are too big on you) and a measuring device. 

Measure from screw to screw (or the widest portion) across the front and enter the number + unit (inch/mm/cm) below.
How to measure your frame width:
Need help reading your prescription? 
Email a copy of your Rx to christy@spexeyewearinc.com 
How did you hear about us? *
Questions? Please feel free to ask below!
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My question is...
Thank you!!!! 💚🐾
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