2024 Power of Words Conference | Call For Proposals

Proposals due by April 1, 2024 (no fooling!)

This powerful conference brings together writers, storytellers, performers, musicians, educators, activists, healers, health professionals, community leaders, and more! Together we explore how the written, spoken and sung word can foster liberation, celebration, and transformation for individuals and communities. We invite in proposals for workshops and small performances that focus on writing, storytelling, spoken word, theater, songwriting and composing, etc. as well as bringing in other arts such as visual arts, dance and movement, music.

The 2024 Power of Words conference happens September 26-29 at Unity Village in the Kansas City, Missouri metro area (about 35 miles from Kansas City International Airport). The pre-conference, begins Thurs. evening, Sept. 26 and ends at 4 p.m., Fri., Sept. 27, featuring some of our keynoters presenting workshops and performances. 

This call covers workshops at the main conference. We have 20 slots open for 75-minute workshops, which may be:
      1) Experiential workshops (such as writing, storytelling, singing, etc. together with discussion and presentation as fitting, 
      2) Performances followed by discussions of issue raised, artistic processes, applications with various communities, or other aspects, or
       3) Presentations with plenty of discussion and engagement.

We invite your proposals that speak to one or more of these five tracks: 

Narrative Medicine/Healing Stories: TLA for healing and health as well as about living with and through illness and disability.

* Social Transformation: The power of our words and word arts for justice, peace, community-building, and other social change.

* Engaged Spirituality: TLA to help us find and develop individual and and communal spiritual and/or religious paths and callings.

* Eco-TLA: The impact of our words for the health and restoration of ecosystems, ecological sustainability, and greater awareness of our living earth.

* Right Livelihood: TLA to help people discover and put into action their livelihood, service, art, and purpose to follow their callings and contribute to their communities.

Because we are strongly committed to including individuals from diverse backgrounds, we encourage workshop proposals from people of color, people living with illness or disability, people of all ages, LGTBQIA+

You will be notified if your workshop is accepted by April 30, 2024. All presenters are eligible for a $100 reduction in the conference fee. Presenters are responsible for their lodging and meals. 

NOTE: All presenters are required to register and pay for as well as attend the whole conference and cover their lodging, meals, and travel (we do have some partial scholarships available).

If you have questions, please email: coordinator@tlanetwork.org

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Main Presenter Name *
What is the name you use for public events? This person will be the main contact.
Co-Presenter Name(s)
If there is more than one presenter, what are the other names and what are their emails?
I understand that if my proposal is selected I will be expected to attend the full conference and am able to do so.  *
September 26-29, 2024, Friday evening until Sun. afternoon
I understand that presenters must pay the conference fee minus $100 and cover their own lodging, meals, and travel.  *
Presenter Physical Address *
What is your postal mailing address?
Presenter Email Address *
What is your email address?
Proposed Title of Presentation *
What will your workshop or performance be called?
Workshop Type *
Which of the following describes what  you have in mind? Check all that apply.
Workshop Space *
What type of space will you need?
Conference Themes *
We give preference to great offerings that also connect with our themes. Which of the following is the thematic strand which is most applicable to your proposal? You may check more than one.
Short Description  - 75 Words *
Please provide a concise description of your proposal. Please limit it to 75 words. (To be used on website and in all promotion.)
Abstract  - 250 Words *
To help us choose workshops, please describe the purpose of your work, who might benefit, and what will happen (beginning, middle, and end plans).
Performance Video / Audio
If you are submitting a performance proposal, we would love to have a link to audio and/or video of the type of work you do. It does not have to be the exact piece you want to submit, but something that will give the selection committee a sense of your work.
Short Presenter Bio - 75 Words *
For our website and promotional material, please share your bio, which may include experience do you have in facilitating this workshop or workshops like this, your credentials, publications, and/or philosophy. Please use third person -- she, he, they -- instead of "I" in your bio.
Please list links for websites and social media accounts about you and/or your work, art, or service.
Curriculum Vitae or Resume Confirmation *
I understand that my proposal will not be considered complete until I send an email to tlan.coordinator@gmail.com with an attached CV or resume not to exceed two pages for each presenter.
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