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By answering the brief questions below, you'll help Bill Rios and other listeners learn how peers handle insurance. THANK YOU!
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What type of work are you in? (Designer, electrician, performer, etc.)
What type of entity are you? (Freelancer / Sole proprietor, LLC, S-Corp etc.)
Do you have Liability Insurance? If so, why? 
How long have you had Liability Insurance? 
ROUGHLY: How much do you pay for insurance and how much / what type of "coverage" does that provide? 
If someone wanted to get liability insurance from your supplier, how could they go about that and where could they do so? (Website, broker, etc.)
BONUS: Is there any considerations or additional information you'd like to mention regarding Liability Insurance? 
BONUS: Are you in a union and does that affect having Liability Insurance? (USA 829, IATSE, etc)
BONUS: To separate you from robots, what is your name? (Feel free to stay anonymous.)
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