Winter Art Fair Event Registration
Event Date: November 1, 2025

Event Place: Bellefontaine High School 555 E. Lake Ave Bellefontaine, OH 43311
Contact Event Chair, Nancy Simpson-Burrey at (937)935-0564 or e-mail art league here ( OR feel free to contact us through Face Book Messenger

Spaces and Display Panels are limited for this show so register early!

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First Name *
Last Name *
Date *
Phone *
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code* *
Email *
Organization, Business, or Studio Name
please include your website address also if applicable
I heard about this event: *
I understand that booths are 10' x 10' *
I understand Set-up time is 8:00 AM *
I understand there will be NO teardown before 4:00 PM
Please be courteous of others and leave you space clean after tear down.
Price for ONE 10 X 10 space *
Rental of Display Panels
Clear selection
Type of Art to display in Show *
Vendors who are new to this show:
Please describe your type of art below and email or send 4 photos of your artwork that is representative of the work to be shown... if you are a returning member indicate that in answer.
For new vendors
(returning vendors click appropriate option)
General Release:

I understand that the Logan County Art League (LCAL) cannot be held responsible for loss, theft, or damage of materials. The undersigned hereby forever discharges, releases and holds harmless the LCAL, any member of the Winter Art Faire committee, the town of Bellefontaine or the Bellefontaine High School from any and all manner of actions, suits, damages or claims whatsoever from any loss or damage to the property or personal injury of the undersigned while in the possession or supervision of the Winter Art Faire, the town of Bellefontaine, Bellefontaine High School or their agents, representatives or employees and hereby consent to the enforcement of Winter Art Faire rules as set out in the accompanying information and acceptance notice. I understand that this application constitutes a reservation and, as such, is a commitment to show and remain for the duration of the show, if I am accepted into the exhibit. LCAL is not required to make refunds for cancellations made by the vendor.

To pay online please click here: SUBMIT PAYMENT
I understand I am not registered as a vendor until payment is submitted and confirmed (and pictures received from our new vendor requests)
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