ETHS Bands Honors Credit Form - Semester 1
Enter your performance points below.  **Reminder - all students applying for Honors Credit must also submit 2 Scholarly or Service Projects in the designated form found on the webpage.
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Honors Credit Point Requirement Breakdown
Last Name *
First Name *
Student ID *
Email Address *
Grade *
Primary Instrument *
Additional Instrument(s)
(If Any)
Marking Quarter 1
Concert Band Program
Marching Band
Jazz Program
Choral Lab Groups
Check the appropriate box and write the group(s) you belong to in "Other"
Mentorship Program (open to all band members)
ILMEA All-District Auditions
Private Lessons (with approved instructor on a weekly basis - see Private Lesson Verification Form - submitted in hard copy)
Check the appropriate box and write your instrument and instructor in "Other"
Bequity (Band Equity Organization) MQ1
Clear selection
Independent Performance Project (See Directors)
Marking Quater 1 Total *
Add up your total points from above and enter it here
Marking Quarter 2
Concert Band Program
Jazz Program
Pep Band/Winter Drumline
Symphony Orchestra (by audition - meets two to three days per week during 6th period)
Choral Lab Groups
Check the appropriate box and write the group(s) you belong to in "Other"
ILMEA All-District Ensemble
Winter Color Guard (open to all band members, regardless of instrument)
Mentorship Program (open to all band members)
Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic
ILMEA All-State Festival
Honors Recital/Senior Solo Auditions
Northshore Honor Band (by recommendation of Directors only - based on Fall Band/Chair Auditions)
Private Lessons (with approved instructor on a weekly basis - see Private Lesson Verification Form - submitted in hard copy)
Check the appropriate box and write your instrument and instructor in "Other"
Bequity (Band Equity Organization) MQ2
Clear selection
Independent Performance Project (See Directors)
Marking Quarter 2 Total *
Add up your total points from above and enter it here
Semester 1 Total
Add up your total points from Marking Quarter 1 and Marking Quarter 2 and enter it here
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