GUI and Windows
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What is the primary purpose of a Graphical User Interface (GUI)?
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Which of the following elements are typically found in a GUI?
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A GUI can be divided into two parts. Which part is responsible for displaying visual elements such as icons, buttons, and windows?
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In which type of systems are GUI-based applications commonly found?
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A traditional command-line interface is less user-friendly than a GUI in which of the following systems?
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What is the primary purpose of Windows operating system?
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What is the most recent version of Windows operating system?
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What are the basic components of the Windows operating system?
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What is the function of the file system in Windows operating system?
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What kind of applications can be found in Windows operating system?
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When was Windows 1.0 first released?
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What was the purpose of Windows 1.0 when it was first released?
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What was one of the major new features introduced in Windows 95?
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What version of Windows was widely used for over a decade and officially supported until 2014?
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What is the benefit of using windows operating system?
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