USDLA National Distance Learning Week Zombie Survey

We’re in a post-pandemic world, where distance learning saved the world or at least allowed education to continue through a world-wide contagion. 

For National Distance Learning Week (NDLW), November 4 - 8, 2024, the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) would like to reflect on distance learning moving forward, so we’d appreciate your input on our daily discussion themes. Since we are putting this out before Halloween, we decided to frame this survey as Zombie movies for a little bit of divergent fun. 

We’ll be using your responses as discussion topics for the Online Daily Show at 11 am ET each day from Monday November 4th through Friday November 8th. You can register for National Distance Learning Week now!  

Feel free to share this survey with your friends and colleagues! We value everyone's input! Bitly Link to survey 

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Monday November 4th: Bright and Shiny
Shaun of the Dead 
What unexpected heroes (technology, pedagogy, techniques) emerged in distance learning over the Pandemic? Cricket bats are optional.

Tuesday November 5th: Warm and Fuzzy Warm Bodies

What tools, technologies, pedagogies or techniques have managed to connect with your students as we learn to be human again?

Wednesday November 6th: Controversial, Debatable or Divergent
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
Okay, so maybe Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was just wrong! Or was it debatable or even divergent? What modalities, technology, techniques and pedagogy are we still debating or defending?
Thursday November 7th: Tackling the Big Problems
World War Z

Can online learning and technology solve education's problems? If so, why hasn’t it so far?

Friday November 8th: What Keeps You Up At Night?
Train to Busan
In a world, where everything seems a little crazy or is getting too complex. What are the instructional design problems or technology issues that stay rent free in your head? Who knows, maybe one of your colleagues here will have the solution or earworm song that will set you free and allow you to be human again.
Thank you for filling out our survey! We hope to see you Monday November 4th - November 8th!
We do have a bonus question if you'd like another Zombie/online learning analogy!
Kingdom (K-Drama Series on Netflix)
Legacy Systems
How do we deal with our zombie legacy systems? Where do we draw the line on compatibility and honoring our esteemed foundational core systems and when we need to just start builds over from scratch?
Again thank you! We hope to see you Monday November 4th - November 8th. Register for National Distance Learning Week (free and virtual)
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