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Gateway Grow/Serve
Tell us how you've like to grow and serve alongside your Gateway family!
This form does NOT commit you to anything. It simply tells us you’d like to have a conversation about growing and serving in these ways.
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Here you can select what ministries would be most appropriate in your formation as a Christian.
Formation Catalysts
Gateway Night (Everybody)
The Harbor (SRU)
Beyond the Bubble (GCC Students)
Small Groups (Community folks)
YoungLife (Teenagers)
What are the topics you'd most like to learn about in the coming months? (Check all that apply)
Discerning culture/media
How to better read and understand Scripture
Faith and Finances
How does my faith connect to my work?
Encountering Doubt
How to encourage others to grow in their faith
Regular Bible study
How to share my faith with those who don't yet believe
Faith and politics
Reformed Theology
Big Theological concepts
Life skills
How the Church Works
Which of these statements best reflects your faith right now?
I know I don't believe right now, but I'm trying to figure it out
I know I used to believe, but now I'm not so sure.
Now that I think of it, I'm getting emotional. Can I talk to someone soon?
Everyday, I'm just trying to walk with Jesus.
I believe in Jesus, but I'm pretty frustrated with stuff, so it is hard to pray.
I'm both a believer and new to my faith.
I walking forward in my faith, but all the baggage I'm carrying is really weighing me down.
I am in a season of significant growth and intimacy with God.
I've never really been sure about what I believe about Jesus.
I actually want to be baptized, because I never have been before.
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