The NorCal Sit, Grip & Rip MAS Tournament
- Presented By: The Beast Movement Team
- Host: Community Youth Center
- Event Time: 2PM-6PM, Saturday October 23, 2021
- Event Address: COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER, 2241 Galaxy Ct, Concord, CA 94520
- Contact us at: | 810-449-8877
- Weigh-ins: Saturday October 23, 2021 from 2PM- 2:30PM
- Registration fee: $60 (NO REFUNDS!!!), plus $20 annual MAS Wresting USA membership.
- First place prizes given to winners of each division.

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MAS Wrestling is a sport in which competitors fight for control of the stick (the meaning of the word "mas"). MAS Wrestling is an ancient sport, the modern version of which is brought to us from Yakutia (far northern region of Siberia in the Russian Republic of Sakha).  Variations of the sport are found in many cultures. It's a favorite of the Vikings in the Scandinavian countries, as well as the Eskimos of North America (Eskimo wrestling, which is part of the Eskimo Olympics). Athletes sit in front of each other, prop their feet against the board that divides the competition arena, and pull on a short stick. An athlete wins the bout if he/she pulls the opponent over with the stick or pulls the stick from the opponent.  Best two of three bouts wins the match.
Your Full Name: *
Weight Class- Weight categories with 2 or less athletes merged with next higher weight category; weight categories with 3-5 athletes conducted in Round Robin format; and weight categories with 6 or more athletes conducted in the actual International Mas-Wrestling Federation Rules Article 2.1 by the System with elimination after 2 (two) losses. *
Is This Your First MAS Tournament? *
Your City, State *
Best Contact #: *
Age: *
Date Of Birth: *
Masters competitor? (Age 40 on or before Oct 23, 2021) *
Teen competitor? (Age 19 or under on or before Oct 23, 2021) *
MAS Wrestling USA membership ($20 annual)
Head to to purchase your annual MAS Wrestling USA membership.
NOTE: YOU DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE THE AAU MEMBERSHIP as described at the page linked above. Our events are not sanctioned by the AAU at this time.
I have purchased my MAS Wrestling USA annual membership. *
Please email proof of your MAS Wrestling USA membership to
Shirt Size *
 In consideration of your acceptance of this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, and my assignees, waive and release all rights and damages I may have against host county, Tommy Burns, Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc, The City of Concord, CA, Community Youth Center and any and all sponsors of this event, their representatives and assigns, of any and all injuries incurred by me in conjunction with  this competition/event and in traveling to and from this event. And in further consideration of permission being granted to me to participate in The NorCal Sit, Grip & Rip Mas Tournament and its related events, I hereby grant Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization and all of their agents successors, licensees and assigns, the right to photograph or otherwise reproduce (whether by film, tape, still photography or otherwise) my voice, appearance and name, and to exhibit, distribute, transmit, and/otherwise exploit motion pictures, video, printing or any other medium now known or hereafter devised, including with respect also to any merchandising, advertising and/or publicity, and the right to use my name and information about me in any connection with perpetuity and no further compensation shall be payable to me at anytime. Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to obligate Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, to understand that the aforementioned rights may be reassigned at any time without further consent.  I understand that Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization, are videotaping and photographing the event in express reliance upon the foregoing, and I represent and agree that I am free to grant the rights granted to Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc., and/or any other approved video or entertainment organization here under. Therefore I complete the application below and affix my signature to serve as proof I have read and fully understand the Beast Of The Bay Strength Inc. health & media policy: *
Registration & Add-ons *
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