Are you looking for ideas for how to engage your students this spring? This workshop will provide a structured introduction to teaching in online and hybrid settings. Participants will learn principles and practices for supporting student learning asynchronously (via Brightspace and other tools) and synchronously (via Zoom).
This workshop will be particularly useful to Vanderbilt instructors who did not teach during the fall, but is open to any Vanderbilt instructor.
The workshop has two components:
An asynchronous component, presented in Brightspace, that shares key principles for online and hybrid teaching and models examples of how to engage students asynchronously, and
A synchronous component, facilitated on Zoom, that shares ideas and models examples of pedagogies for synchronous instruction in an online or hybrid course.
The asynchronous component will take 2-3 hours and is essential preparation for the 1.5 hour synchronous session.
Please note that this registration form is for the January 13th synchronous session (10am to 11:30am), which is limited to 25 participants. About a week before the session, you will receive a link to the online materials and an invitation to the Zoom session.
Questions? Contact Derek Bruff at