Project Enhancement Network and Incubator (PEN & Inc)
The form "Project Enhancement Network and Incubator (PEN & Inc)" is no longer accepting responses. We will open up applications for the Fall of 2017 sometime in May. If you have any questions, email Sarah Stanley at scstanley [at] fsu [dot] edu.

PEN & Inc is a 7-week program for members of the FSU community who are looking to accelerate a digital research project. This is a cohort-based program, where participants work together to test their ideas for digital scholarship. In addition to incubating projects, PEN & Inc is designed to connect researchers in the field of digital scholarship to each other so that they can share ideas and resources.

The incubation portion of the PEN & Inc program is designed for people or teams who have an idea for a specific project, and who want resources to get started. If you are interested in exploring digital scholarship, but do not yet have a specific research idea (or if you are more interested in informal discussions), we suggest attending the Percolator, which currently meets every Wednesday from 3-5 (for more information on this event, see the Office Digital Research and Scholarship site:

PEN & Inc’s structured program will help participants refine their project ideas through planning, testing, and peer-review. Each week we will focus on a different topic. All PEN & Inc participants will meet together at an allotted time each week for seven weeks during the semester, which will ensure that everyone is able to share their ideas.

The types of things we will cover over the course of the curriculum are:
Proposal Development
Risk Management
Technical Infrastructure
Collaborative Partnerships
Proof of Concept/Prototyping
Next Steps

Throughout the program we will discuss: 1) talking about your research to a wider audience, 2) project sustainability, and 3) valuation of digital research in fields that privilege written work, among other topics.

In order to participate, you must be willing to commit to one hour-long meeting per week for seven weeks, plus about some additional work outside of the meeting sessions. You will leave PEN & Inc with an increased understanding of project planning and management, resources to begin, and a knowledge of the tools you will need to expand your project.
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