Stanford Alpine Club (SAC) Sign-Up Form 2024-2025
Link to all benefits depending on status (student, post-doc, staff, etc.) found here:

Step 2) Complete DSE registration, if applicable (mandatory for active students):

Step 3) Complete this form

PLEASE make sure to pay the dues and sign up in DSE before filling this form. We will not register you if dues haven't been paid or if you haven't talked to Doug ( about exemptions.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First Name *
Last Name *
Stanford Email Address (IMPORTANT, this will be used to give you access to our Google Drive materials) *
University Affiliation *
Have you paid your SAC dues on ASSU epay? Pay here *
As described above, you need to pay dues via ASSU epay to the club before we can register you.
If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, please copy/paste your epay order number below.   *
Number only please. Do NOT include the hashtag.
Have you registered on DSE? (pending approval OK) *
I would ONLY like to join SAC for the IKON Pass discount. Please DO NOT add me to the club's listserv.  *
It's totally OK if you're only here for the IKON Pass discount! We're happy to provide it to the Stanford community. No hard feelings on our end :)
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