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Application for Enrichment Program and BSP/ ASP Program Subsidy
Please fill in the application in full.
Please note:
Applications are for subsidies for the Enrichment Program, French Language Activity or Before School Program/After school Program
Any information provided will remain private and the details of the survey will be reviewed only by the RVEHSA Treasurer and President.
If you are applying for an EP subsidy your application will be considered for the next term
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Parent/Guardian First Name
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Last Name
Your answer
Child #1 First Name
Your answer
Child #1 Last Name
Your answer
Child #1 Grade
Your answer
Child #2 First Name
Your answer
Child #2 Last Name
Your answer
Child #2 Grade
Your answer
Child #3 First Name
Your answer
Child #3 Last Name
Your answer
Child #3 Grade
Your answer
Child #4 First Name
Your answer
Child #4 Last Name
Your answer
Child #4 Grade
Your answer
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