Guelph Dog Daycare School Application
This online application is the first step in registering your dog into our Daycare School program. 

Our daycare program has limited spaces, and availability is not guaranteed. After the online application is complete, your dog must complete a Suitability Assessment before they can join our regular daycare schedule. You will only be contacted for the Suitability Assessment stage of the process if we have availability in our program.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at:
(519) 820-4683
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First name of owner *
Last name of owner *
Dog's name *
Dog's breed *
Street address *
City *
Phone number *
What type of daycare schedule will you be hoping for? (Select each of your preferred options) *
Dog's age today *
How old was your dog when you brought them home? *
Dog's birthdate *
Dog's sex *
Dog's weight (please specify if the number is in lbs or kg) *
Where did you get your dog from? *
Name of breeder or rescue
Have you attended training with your dog previously? *
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