Cloud Functions: Feedback Form
Dear Serverless expert,

Thank You very much for trying out Cloud Functions.

We are eager to hear your feedback on the product and sincerely, request you to fill this short feedback form.

Best regards,
Cloud Functions Team
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Email *
Name of your organization
What does your organization do?
What is your use case for Cloud Functions?
Which runtimes do you use for Cloud Functions? *
Which function types do you use? *
What do you like about the product?
What do you not like about the product?
What other Google Cloud product(s) do you use Functions with?
What other Google Cloud product(s) would you like to use Functions with?
Any feature requests you would like to make?
Do you use any other Cloud Providers?
What do you like about the Products from other Cloud Providers?
What do you not like about the Products from other Cloud Providers?
Would you recommend Cloud Functions?
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