Network of young researchers at JEMS23: Registration form
Thank you for joining this event. Our intention is for you to have a relaxed time with your colleagues. This is a space not only to develop your communication skills but also to get to know each other in a relaxed environment. Apart from the usual questions about your career stage and contribution, we have included a section at the end of this form where you can ask or propose anything you would like. Your suggestions will be given strong consideration.

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Hello, what is your name? *
Nice to meet you! Let us know about your affiliation
What is your career stage?
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Which gender do you identify with?
Do you have an accepted contribution at JEMS 2023? If you do so, please, tell us your abstract number and type of contribution.
We would be delighted if you share curiosity about your work with us. Nevertheless, this is not compulsory. We ensure you will benefit from a really relax atmosphere. Would you like to give a flash talk?
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For those who want to present, please, tell us a little a curiosity about your research (50 words max.)
In case we would like to get in touch with you, would you let us know about your email address?
If any of the attendants to Network of young researchers at JEMS23 aims to contact you, would you allow us to send give us permission to share your email address?
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