ESI Events 2022 Press Form
Please use this form to indicate your interest in attending one of ESI's physical events in 2022 as a member of the press or media.


Media passes are issued for press and media use only and are intended for wider coverage of the event.

Media passes are for the named holder only and may not be transferred. Esports Insider has an extremely limited number of press passes available for the event.

Subject to capacity, passes may not be issued for esports team members solely producing content for the team's own coverage. In these instances, a spectator pass should be purchased by the team.

Esports Insider reserves the right to revoke any media passes at any time should any of these terms not be adhered to up until, and during the event.

Successful applicants will be informed within 28 days of application. Should you not hear from Esports Insider, it means your application was unsuccessful.


Your data is being provided to Esports Insider Limited (Company Registration 11071207).

Your details will solely be used for processing your application in order to contact you about your media application, they will not be used for any marketing communications. If you need to contact us regarding the use of your data, please email 

Except for the storage of your data here on Google Drive and use of any Esports Insider mailing systems to contact you (e.g. Mailchimp), we will not share your data with other companies without your explicit consent.

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Which events would you be interested in attending? *
Name *
Email *
Publication *
Media applications will only be considered from legitimate coverage sites. ESI has the right to ask further questions before progressing any application.
Publication Website URL
Publication Reach
Please provide more information about your publication/channel in order to assess your application, e.g. website traffic, subscriber numbers etc. Any information provided will be kept confidential.
Links to previous coverage
Social Handles
Additional Comments - Let us know anything about you and your publication that might help us assess your publication!
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