Register a New WFTDA Officiating History Document
This form registers you for a WFTDA Officiating History document. The details of the document will be emailed to you once it is created. The link to your document will be included in the email, do not make a copy or it will not receive future updates.

The email may take a few minutes to reach you, so please be patient. If you do not get the welcome email within 30 minutes, please contact us using this form rather than trying again.

If you have an existing Official's Game History Doc, this form will convert it into the new format.
Please read this migration guide BEFORE you fill in the form:

There are things you should consider changing in your current history document that make the automatic transfer of your current games history more seamless.

You can find the complete WFTDA OHD documentation here:
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Please read and accept the privacy policy linked above regarding your data *
What is your email address? *
This email address will be the primary editor for your new history document, so make sure it is one that can edit Google documents. If you are not sure what to use, enter the email address you use for your current history document.
What is your preferred name? *
Any name, contraction, or nickname that you prefer people to use.
What is your legal name?
What is your derby name?
What is the URL to your existing Game History document?
Paste the URL of your existing history document here and that document will be imported into your new history document. If you do not have one, leave this blank and a new, blank game history document will be created for you. Note: this will only work with the current Game History format - heavily customized, Excel Spreadsheet, or v1 (2013) formats cannot be converted. Note also that your Game History doc needs to be public, or else the migration will fail. ** tinyurl shortened links may fail, so please use the full document URL in lieu of a tinyurl link. The OHD team is currently investigating **
What is the URL of a picture you'd like to use?
Any URL listed here will be used as your profile picture your new Official's Game History document. For many reasons (including copyright), there is no copy of the picture made, so please make sure that the picture is readable by anyone with the URL and is not too large.
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