Special Collections Nomination Form

Nominations may come from any member or friend of the congregation or the minister. Organizations whose mission supports our UU values take precedence. An organization may be local, national or international.

Nominations may be made at any time. The Special Collections Team will keep a running prioritized list of proposed collection recipients and will let nominators (sponsors) know if the nominee has been selected.

Send nominations using the form below to the Special Collections Team.

If the nominee is selected, the nominator (sponsor) must notify the organization, and

·       provide a brief message about the organization that can be distributed via email and newsletter to the congregation.

·       may arrange for the organization to have someone speak to the congregation during the worship service for no longer than three minutes,

·       or the sponsor may speak during the worship service for no longer than three minutes.

·       may have the organization bring brochures or other printed matter.

·       remain after the service to answer questions, participate in a discussion.

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Email *
Sponsor (Nominator) Information
Sponsor Name *
Sponsor Email Address *
Sponsor Phone Number *
Organization Information
Organization Name *
Organization Address *
Organization Contact Name *
Organization Contact Email Address *
Organization Contact Phone Number *
Address to Send Check (Other details for Cover Letter) *
Organization Website *
Mission-Related UU Principles - Check All That Apply *
If the Collection is Time-Sensitive, Please Explain
If this is an In-Kind Collection, Please Provide Details
Any Additional Information
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