Valor Missions Interest 2024-2025
Howdy, we are using this survey to get an idea of who is interested in hearing more about going to the nations to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We have been called to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations!" Matthew 28:18 Let's go! 
Email *
What is your name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your interest in missions?  *
Not really interested.
Sign me up I am going!
Are you interested in going to Winter Conference (Jan. 2nd - 6th in Dallas) to grow as a disciple of Jesus and to hear about opportunities to go to the nations? Also to have a lot fun! Cru Winter Conference *
Are you interested in going on a Filter of Hope mission trip over Spring Break with Valor to Guatemala or Panama?  *
Are you interested in going on a 6 week mission trip over the summer to a closed country (it's safe) to share the gospel with people who have little to no access to the Gospel?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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