Cloud Computing Second Terminal Exam (2020-2021)
Computer Science and Engineering (Final Year)
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Which of the following is true about cloud computing?
2 points
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What is Cloud Computing replacing?
2 points
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Which of these companies is not a leader in cloud computing?
2 points
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Which one of the following options can be considered as the Cloud?
2 points
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Which one of the following cloud concepts is related to sharing and pooling the resources?
2 points
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Which of the following is an essential concept related to Cloud?
2 points
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Which one of the following is Cloud Platform by Amazon?
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Which one of the following is related to the services provided by Cloud?
2 points
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How many phases are present in Cloud Computing Planning?
2 points
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Cloud computing architecture is a combination of?
2 points
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Which one of the following refers to the user's part of the Cloud Computing system?
2 points
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By whom is the backend commonly used?
2 points
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Which of the following type of virtualization is also characteristic of cloud computing?
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Which of the following service provider provides the least amount of built-in security?
2 points
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Cloud Service consists of
2 points
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Cloud Services have a _____ relationship with their customers.
2 points
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Which of the following is the best-known service model?
2 points
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 Which of the following is a common means for losing encrypted data?
2 points
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Which of the following is required by Cloud Computing ?
2 points
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How many security accounts per client is provided by Microsoft?
2 points
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Which of the following is key mechanism for protecting data?
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Which of the following is operational domain of CSA ?
2 points
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Which of the following cloud concept is related to pooling and sharing of resources?
2 points
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The top benefits of cloud computing.
2 points
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Which of the following is one of the unique attributes of Cloud Computing?
2 points
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