FCS 2019-2020 Registration Form
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A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided above while this form is submitted. 當你送出此表後,一封確認信將會送到上述你所提供的電子郵件中。
Student Type 學生類型
Student Info 註冊學生資料
FCS Student ID 學生學號 *
New Student is  '00000'  (新生請填‘00000’)
First Name 英文名 *
Middle Name 英文中間名
Last Name 英文姓 *
Chinese Full Name (if any)
Birthday 生日 *
Please verify "Birth Year" you select.  PK student must be born before 9/2/2015. Please refer FUSD chart of grade: http://tinyurl.com/y2zlyk4f
Gender 性別 *
Home Address - Street number and Name, Suite# etc. *
通訊住址 - 街道號碼,名稱,房間號等
City 城市 *
State 州 *
Zip Code 郵遞區號 *
Contact Phone number 連絡電話 *
If more than one, please use ;  symbol to separate.  (若有多個,請用 ; 符號分開。)
Emergency contact info 緊急聯絡資訊
Emergency Contact Name / Relationship to student *
緊急聯絡人姓名/ 與學生關係
Emergency Phone 緊急聯絡電話 *
If more than one, please use ;  symbol to separate.  (若有多個,請用 ; 符號分開。)
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