Retirement Starts Today Survey
We want to tell your story!
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email address: *
Age (optional):
Do you have an interesting "preparation for retirement" story? In a few sentences, summarize your story. *
When did you start planning for retirement?
What was happening in your life at the time that got you thinking about retirement?
What age did you retire, or what age do you plan to retire?
What dream was realized or mission was accomplished?
How long did it take to realize that dream? When did you start taking steps to achieve it?
What specific steps did you take, and when, in relation to your projected retirement date, did you take them?
What unexpected benefits or challenges occurred?
What lessons did you learn?
What would you change, if you could?
May we use this material in a book?
If "yes," may we follow up with more questions?
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