Virtual Summer Camp Registration
The Center for Courageous Kids (CCK) is a year-round camp program designed for children with special needs and life-long illnesses.  For the 2020 summer season, along with Camp Day2Day and their various other partners, CCK has developed a simple and fun combination of activities for your child or family to participate in FREE of charge!!  No matter if you have attended Camp Day2Day or CCK in the past, we want to make sure as many people have the opportunity to participate as possible.  For access to the virtual content, please fill out the questions below and submit your answers by June 21st, 2020.  The email address you provide will ONLY be used to communicate camp program content updates.  CCK will not use your email for solicitation.
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Email *
What is your diagnosed child's age range? *
Which specification best describes your child's diabetes diagnosis? *
If you are responding after the cut off date of June 21st, 2020:
You have not missed your opportunity to receive the virtual camp content yet!  Please reach out to the camper recruiter at CCK, Emily Cosby, by calling 270-618-2900 (ext 239) or by emailing to request the content.  
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