Feed the Hungry - Saturday March 30, 2024
Hosted by : Al Mahdi Welfare & Outreach Group

"The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear there are a hundred grains. Thus Allah multiplies the action of whomsoever He wills. Allah is Munificent, All-Knowing" The Holy Quran(2:261)

Join us on Saturday March 30 for our 6th Annual Feed the Hungry event.

Children and youth (ages 4-17) will be creating care packages with the essentials for local families in need, both in NYC and Long Island.
Additional donations welcome.

Venmo @RuhiMukhi
Please list the participant's name and "Feed the Hungry" in the Venmo memo .

Questions? Need more information? Contact Ruhayna Dharsee (516) 655- 9649 or Shazia Jivraj (917) 226-8103.
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Email *
Contact Number  *
Participant 1 Name *
Participant 1 Age *
Participant 2 Name
Participant 2 Age
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Participant 3 Name
Participant 3 Age
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Parent's Name (for children ages 4-10 a parent is required to supervise) - Write N/A if not applicable *
Allergies (in case of packing nuts/ lentils, etc.) *
Venmo @RuhiMukhi $5/child or $25/family
Additional donations welcome
(Please list the participant's name and "Feed the Hungry" in the Venmo memo.) 
Are you available to help distribute packages to Queens, Nassau or Suffolk locations after the event or the days following the event. (We will provide the addresses/date to be delivered, etc.) *
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