Hosted by : Al Mahdi Welfare & Outreach Group
"The example of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah is like that of a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, and in every ear there are a hundred grains. Thus Allah multiplies the action of whomsoever He wills. Allah is Munificent, All-Knowing" The Holy Quran(2:261)
Join us on Saturday March 30 for our 6th Annual Feed the Hungry event.
Children and youth (ages 4-17) will be creating care packages with the essentials for local families in need, both in NYC and Long Island.
Additional donations welcome.
Venmo @RuhiMukhi
Please list the participant's name and "Feed the Hungry" in the Venmo memo .
Questions? Need more information? Contact Ruhayna Dharsee (516) 655- 9649 or Shazia Jivraj (917) 226-8103.