Widevine integration: Device information
Google has selected us as a Third Party Labs (3PL) partner to certify Widevine implementations on their behalf for Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and Linux based devices.

Please enter device details for your Widevine integration. We’ll then be in touch to discuss our speedy certification and how we can help you best.

If you have more than one model to certify, please complete a separate form for each.

Learn more at: https://castlabs.com/widevine-certification/
Contact us at: 3pl@castlabs.com

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How can we help you? *
Brief summary of your solution *
For example: a high-level architecture overview. If you have additional design documents, you can share these with us at 3pl@castlabs.com
Device manufacturer *
In Android, this is the value of:  ro.product.manufacturer
Device model *
In Android, this is the value of:  ro.product.model
Estimated production launch time frame *
Month and year
Is this a new device or an in-field upgrade of an existing device? *
If this is an upgrade of an existing device, what year was it initially launched?
Device type *
Widevine device security level *
Operating system and version number *
For example: Android, Android TV, Linux
How does the platform verify legitimate operating system builds are loaded? *
SoC vendor *
SoC chipset model *
OEMCrypto version for chipset model *
Platform architecture *
For example: x86, ARM, 32/64 bit, etc.
Does the device have a secure video path? *
If a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) is used, please provide details
(If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
Does the system support turning off digital video outputs by means of flags in the Key Control Block? *
If HDCP is supported, which version is used?
(If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
If digital output protection is supported, please provide details
For example: HDMI or HDCP versions. (If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
If HDCP is supported, does the system restrict playback based on HDCP System Renewability Message (SRM) minimum version requirements?
If the previous answer is Yes, does the system support SRM updates via OEMCrypto?
If analog output protection is supported, please provide details
For example: CGMS-A. (If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
Does the system support insertion of CGMS-A flags into the analog video output? *
If the device has a secure bootloader, please provide details
(If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
Are secure processor debugging modes and registers restricted to privileged processes? *
If the device uses secure storage, please provide details
(If it isn't supported, please leave this blank.)
Is AES-128 encryption supported? *
Which encryption schemes are supported? *
For example: CBC, CTR, etc.
Supported video codecs *
For example: H264, HEVC, AV1, etc.
Supported audio codecs *
For example: AAC, AC3/EAC3, Dolby Digital, etc.
What compiler, and version number, does your device toolchain use? *
For example: Clang, GCC, etc.
What C++ versions does your toolchain compiler support? *
Select all that apply.
Expected volume/number of devices annually *
Your company name *
Your company website *
Your contact's name *
First and last name
Your contact's email *
Your contact's phone
Your contact's job title
Your contact's location *
Country they're based in
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