Customer Support Manager
Менеджер по работе с заявками — международный сервис по защите прав авиапассажиров. Помогаем получить компенсацию авиапассажирам, столкнувшимся с задержкой или отменой рейса. Работаем с клиентами из более чем 50 стран и лидируем на рынке восточной Европы и Турции. Более 100 тысяч путешественников воспользовались нашим сервисом для получения компенсации.

Мы активно растем и расширяем удаленную команду по работе с клиентами.
Для того, чтобы откликнуться заполните, пожалуйста, короткую анкету и выполните тестовое задание.

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• Грамотный письменный русский язык
• Высокий уровень (устный и письменный) английского
• Знание других иностранных языков будет плюсом
• Удаленная работа с гибкой занятостью (от 2 до 5 дней в неделю, от 6 до 12 часов в день)
• Оплата фиксированная (20-30 тыс руб./200-400 Евро в месяц)

• Первый месяц - оплачиваемая стажировка
Full name *
Phone number *
Email *
Your CV *

According to European Commission Regulation 261/2004, if your flight was delayed or canceled you may be eligible for compensation from €250 to €600. The flight must satisfy the necessary conditions:
• The flight must depart from the EU country or arrive in the EU country
• The flight must have been commenced no later than 6 years ago
• The flight must be delayed for more than 3 hours
• The flight was not delayed due to extraordinary circumstances outside of the airline’s control (adverse weather conditions, airport staff strike, air traffic management decisions)

The amount of compensation depends on the length of the delay and the flight distance (see the full table on our site ). 

Please read the following passengers’ comments and define whether they are eligible for the compensation and to what amount. We expect a detailed answer.
Please read the following passengers’ comments and define whether they are eligible for the compensation and to what amount:
I had a flight from Istanbul to Barcelona (Turkish airlines) on 12.03.2019. The arrival in Barcelona was scheduled for 2.15 pm but in fact, we arrived only at 5.30 pm.
My flight Munich – Rome (Lufthansa) scheduled on 01.01.2020 was canceled without any prior notice due to the airline pilots strike. The distance between Munich and Rome is 697 km.*
Напишите, текст ответного письма на следующие письма клиентов
Письмо 1.
Situation: FR8163 flight on 03.20.16 from Malaga to London was delayed. As a result Liudmila had the missed connection and was absent from her daughter’s birthday. There was a total delay for many hours.

She filled in an application but didn’t receive any answer from us. She didn’t write anymore.

Factors: Her application was lost, but we had found it in 2 months. So we must send a reply.

Conditions: We know she is entitled to get compensation for the flight.

The purpose of the letter:
•  To receive her tickets.
•  To receive a power of attorney to represent her interests for communication with airline officials.

Ответ 1. *
Письмо 2.
Situation: FR1665 flight on 04.03.16 from Riga to Nottingham was delayed. As a result Maria missed a French film festival. She filled in an application but didn’t receive any answer from us.

Factors: Her application was lost, but she wrote on Facebook in 3 weeks. We promised her to send a reply on email but we had forgotten. In 2 weeks she left a note on a Facebook wall saying we were frauds.

Conditions: We know she is entitled to get compensation for the flight.

The purpose of the letter:
•  To receive her tickets.
•  To receive a power of attorney to represent her interests for communication with airline officials.
Ответ 2. *
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