Basics of Nonviolent Communication
Registration for Online Course  6 April - 25 May 2021 with Franka Insinger and Kristian Klett
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First Name *
Last Name *
Street, House Number
City/Town, Postal Code
Country *
Country of Residence
Mobile Number
For Telephone Enquiries  - please include country code (e.g. +31 (0) 123 456 789)
Course Fee *
The course fee is based on a process of self-assessment. How does self-assessment work? We suggest that you orientate yourself on what you might pay for a 3 day course (24hrs) and also on your own personal financial situation. Through this self-assessment, we acknowledge the reality that financial situations can differ from person to person. If you can afford to pay a higher amount, this would help us contribute these teachings to all those who might benefit from it, including those with fewer financial resources. Please use this self-assessment mindfully, always bearing in mind what feels right for you.
Message or Enquiry
If you have a message or a question, let us know here.
Confirmation *
By registering, I agree to receive an invoice by email for the amount I have chosen and to settle this within 14 days of registration. I consent to the electronic processing and storage of my personal data for invoicing and for the purposes of holding the online course. Course dates: 6.4 / 13.4 / 20.4 / 27.4 / 4.5 / 11.5 / 18.5. / 25.5  each 19:00 - 22:00 (CET)
How did you hear about us?
We look forward to having you on the course with us!
Franka Insinger and Kristian Klett
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