Volunteer Sign Up
Welcome and THANK YOU for your interest in helping to keep our community safer! These are unprecedented times and we are so grateful for your time and efforts. Please fill in this form in its entirety. You will also find our policies at the bottom of the form - please read them, understand them, and reach out if you have any questions.

Please note: Due to the overwhelming amount of submissions, there may be a delay in the the response time as we schedule upcoming onboarding sessions.

For the safety of our volunteers and the community we are serving, we are asking that ALL volunteers doing in-person work to either get tested for COVID-19 and to submit a screenshot/photo of your results or proof of vaccination at the time of your shift, and complete a 1 hour onboarding session.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Date of Birth (must be 18+) *
Emergency Contact (Name, Phone number, and Relationship) *
Do you speak another language? *
Have you had any previous de-escalation training?
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Do you have any special talents/  skills that would be helpful?  (Ex: Social media expert, or previous community organizer, app developer, etc.)
When was/will be your most recent COVID test? (You must submit proof of negative results prior to being assigned a role or shift) *
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