WomInCreativePower project / Application for Video Promotion and Tandem Training Participation
🤗The FSL (Formation et Sensibilisation de Luxembourg), in frames of the "WomInCreativePower" project, is launching the following activity

📌Promotional Videos for women entrepreneurs in Luxembourg,

🎬We are going to make a promotional video of the small businesses, which are run by women of Luxembourg! In one video we are going to combine many spheres and make a unique video art.

‼If you have a business or entrepreneurship in Luxembourg:
1. Inform us! tell us more about your product or service
2. Join our meeting to become a member of the WICP network
3. Participate in Tandem trainings and share your skills with other members of the network
📌Set-up meeting (2 hours);
📌Skills-exchange meetings (flexible);
📌Evaluation and networking (1.5 hours)
4. Creation of the promotional videos
4. Participate in video shooting
5. When the video is ready to support in dissemination

👉If you are interested, please fill in the following form and we will contact you very soon!

For any questions you can contact us via fsluxembourg@gmail.com

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Please, tell us in a short form about your business (or business idea)
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