New Parishioners Seeking Youth  Faith Formation  
If you are interested in registering your children in the Our Lady of Lourdes Faith Formation Program please complete all the questions below.  Once you have attended a Sunday Morning of Welcome and have officially joined the parish I will be able to give you more detailed information about registering for our Weekly Faith Formation Program.

Youth Faith Formation at Our Lady of Lourdes offers the programs listed below.  Once families are registered parishioners, they will receive more details about what options are available for their children.

Weekly Faith Formation is offered from September through April for grades 1 through 8.

Sacrament Information Grades 1 and 2 are preparation years to receive the sacraments of First Penance and First Communion.  Grades 7 and 8 are preparation years for the sacrament of Confirmation. Students must complete the two full years of formal, in-person, sacrament faith formation classes in order to receive the sacraments.

Summer Intensive Year-Round Faith Formation Program is only offered for grades 3 through 6 and only if there is enough interest and adult volunteers. More information will be provided to families who qualify for the program.  Important: Families must be registered parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes and their children must have attended the Weekly Faith Formation Program for at least one year in order to participate in this program.

Before Faith Formation Registration Join Our Parish Before registering your children for Faith Formation, families must attend a Sunday Morning of Welcome and become official parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish. Click the link in the questions below and complete the form to start this process.

I look forward to welcoming you into our parish family.


Nina Forestiere, PCL,  Director of Youth Faith Formation

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