Talk Za$h Vol X: The Future of  DAOs & Social Networks
A talk powered by Zash, the trusted investing community (

This week we're discussing the Future of DAOs and Social Networks with Matt Clifford, Agash Navaranjan, Franz Josef Allymer.

Matt is CEO of Entrepreneur First and has written about the future of the internet, the new ear of variance as well as DAOs. He described the argument for DAOs as combining the best parts of investment (like WeFunder or Crowdcube), membership (like Patreon) and crowdfunding (like Kickstarter) platforms to "intertwine two kinds of motivations that are usually seen as far apart: social and financial”.

Agash Navaranjan, CTO of blockchain start up Kontinuous will be joining our panel. Agash has an avid interest and is an investor in crypto currencies, DeFi and NFT’s, and a fellow at the Royal Society of Arts, as well as being an active member of the Zash community since it started.

Franz Josef Allmayer is the co-creator of Seeds, an alternative economic system driving co-operation over profit and creating a financial vehicle for the growing regenerative movement.

Event date and time: 25th of May
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