Bible Discovery Week, "Israel: Walking With Jesus"
Where: First Baptist Church of Newman, 910 R St., Newman, CA 95360, (209) 862-2393 or (209) 602-2492
Located across the street from Hunt Elementary School

Get ready for exciting Bible Stories, Songs, Crafts, Games, and delicious food.
When: June 24 - 28, 2024; Please register your children Grades K - 6

This is a FREE EVENT and dinner at 5:30pm is included FREE and Pre-registration Is Required
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Parent Permission Slip
Hoja de permiso de los padres

My child has permission to participate in the activities at BDW except for the following: write your answer below:

Mi hijo tiene permiso para participar en las actividades en BDW, excepto lo siguiente: escriba su respuesta a continuación:
Parent Name
Nombre de Padre
1. Name of Child, Age, Grade
Nombre, edad, y grado
2. Name of Child, Age, Grade
Nombre, edad, y grado
3. Name of Child, Age, Grade
Nombre, edad, y grado
4. Name of Child, Age, Grade
Nombre, edad, y grado
Street Address
Zip Code
código postal
Home Telephone
número de teléfono de casa
Cell Phone
Número Celular
Email Address
correo electrónico
Emergency Contact, Name and phone number
contacto en caso de emergencia
Allergies or other medical conditions
Alergias de su hijo (cacahuate, ect.)  o condiciones médicas
What school does your child attend?
¿A qué escuela asiste tu hijo?
Do you currently have a Home church?
iglesia usual
Name of home church
Nombre de iglesia usual
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