New Horizons Final Course Evaluation
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Please fill out your First and Last name. If there are any changes to your phone number and/or mailing address or if you would like to confirm we have the correct information on file, please confirm that here. This updated information will be beneficial for when we mail your completion certificate. *
Who was your Facilitator? *
Please use the following scales to answer the questions below. Your answers will only be used to improve the program, not evaluate you.
How helpful was it to: Meet and talk with other people who are facing similar problems? *
How helpful was it to: Examine your beliefs about accepting responsibility for your behavior? *
How helpful was it to: Learn about the dynamics and the types of domestic abuse? *
How helpful was it to: Learn anger management skills? *
How helpful was it to: Learn alternatives to abusive behaviors? *
How helpful was it to: Learn about the impact of violence on children? *
How helpful was it to: Learn about substance abuse and its relationship to violence? *
How helpful was it to: Learn what signs to look for in an abusive personality? *
How helpful was it to: Learn relaxation and stress management skills? *
How helpful was it to: Learn conflict resolution techniques? *
How helpful was it to: Learn how to set personal boundaries and respect others’ boundaries? *
Please rate the group facilitator:
How effective was this counselor in giving clear and understandable instructions? *
How effective was this counselor in explaining and discussing weekly topics and course materials (handouts)? *
How effective was this counselor in responding to group members’ questions and concerns? *
Overall, how effective was this counselor? *
What suggestions do you have to improve the New Horizons Program? *
How did your work in the New Horizons Program change your thinking and behavior? *
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