List Others Who Will Be Residing In The Household On A Regular Basis *
Your answer
Do You Have Children That Regularly Come To Visit Your Home? Include Name, Age, Circumstances. *
Your answer
On A Typical Day, How Many Hours Are You Away From Home? *
Your answer
Where Will The Pet Be During This Time? *
Your answer
You live in a *
Do you *
If you rent, have you checked with your landlord for approval? *
Do you have a fenced-in yard? *
If yes, is it fenced on all sides? *
If yes, what type of fence? *
When you are home, will your animal have run of the house, or be blocked-off in parts of the house? Please explain. *
Your answer
Where will the pet be kept when you are not home?
Your answer
How and how often will you exercise the pet? *
Your answer
Will they be allowed to run free off leash? Describe the circumstances if yes. *
Your answer
Is this your first time fostering a dog? If no, please describe your previous fostering experience. *
Your answer
Is this your first time caring for a dog? If no, please describe your previous experience with dogs.
Your answer
Have you ever sold, given away, given to a shelter, or euthanized a pet? If so, please describe the circumstances. *
Your answer
If you have had a pet die due to age, illness, or accident, please explain. *
Your answer
Please list all animals that currently live in your home (name, age, breed)
Your answer
Are they neutered or spayed? *
Give name, address, phone number of current veterinarian and current or previous pets' names. ***Please contact your vet’s office to authorize them to speak with Go Fetch Rescue.*** *
Your answer
Are you agreeable to a virtual inspection of the residence where the pet will be living? *
Today's Date *
How did you hear about us?
Clear selection
We can't thank you enough for your interest in fostering! We will read you application and we will reach out to you via email regarding next steps!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.