Tha soirbheachais "Ceilidh air chuairt" an urra ri deòntach agus comas nam com-pàirtich na tachartasan a shanasachd. Am biodh tusa deònach an cuairt a shanasachd agus mar a bhiodh, ciamar a theid sin a dheànamh leat? Nach sgrìobh thu sgilean sònraichte no beachd sam bith a th' agad nad fhreagairt mar eisempleir; ag ullachadh agus a' sgaoileadh nam postair/leabhraichran latha bhidio/agallamhan rèidio m.s.a.a. The success of the Ceilidh Trail is largely dependant on the participants' willingness and ability to promote the events. Would you be willing to actively promote the tour and if so, how would you go about this? Please note any special skills or suggestions in your answer ie preparation and distribution of posters/video diaries/social media promotion/radio interviews etc.