Thank you for your interest in the Argyll Cèilidh Trail. Please use this form to submit your application to participate. Deadline for returns is the 20th March 2020. Please note that all applicants will be required to attend an audition between 1-3pm in Glencruitten Church Centre on 21st March.
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Ainm / Name:
Là-breith / D.O.B :
Seòladh / Address:
Àireamh-fòn / Home Telephone:
Àireamh-fòn Làimhe / Mobile Number:
Seòladh post-d / E-mail address:
Innealan-ciùil air an cluich / Instruments played:
Fiosrachadh mu eòlas-obrach iomchaidh / Details of any relevant musical experience, including performances:
A bheil Gàidhlig agad? Are you a Gaelic Speaker?:
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Dè an dòigh anns am bi an obair seo na bhuannachd dhut a thaobh leasachadh  do chomasan ciùil agus/no a thaobh foghlaim? / How will membership of the group benefit your musical development and/or studies?
Thoir iomradh air teisteanasan no trèanadh iomchaidh a th' agad / Details of any relevant qualifications or training.
Thoir dhuinn ainm agus seòladh airson cuideigin a tha eòlach ort agus a bhios comasach air teisteanais-ciùil a thoirt seachad / Please give the name and address of someone who knows you and can provide a musical  reference.
Am bi e comasach dhut a bhith an làthair air na laithean gu lèir a tha air an ainmeachadh anns an duilleag fiosrachaidh? / Are you available for all the dates identified in the performers’ information sheet?
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Mur a h-eil, dè na làithean nach eil freagarrach? / If not, which dates are you  not available for?
Tha Fèis Latharna air gabhail ris na molaidhean aig Fèisean nan Gàidheal a thaobh Dìon-chloinne. A-rèir nam molaidhean seo, bidh agad ri sgrùdadh Disclosure a dhèanamh. Am bi thu deònach seo a dhèanamh ma bhios an tagradh agad soirbheachail? Feis Latharna has adopted the Child Protection Guidelines as issued by Feisean nan Gaidheal. We are therefore required to carry out PVG checks with Disclosure Scotland. Would you be willing for this to be carried out should your application be successful?
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Tha soirbheachais "Ceilidh air chuairt" an urra ri deòntach agus comas nam com-pàirtich na tachartasan a shanasachd. Am biodh tusa deònach an cuairt a shanasachd agus mar a bhiodh, ciamar a theid sin a dheànamh leat? Nach sgrìobh thu sgilean sònraichte no beachd sam bith a th' agad nad fhreagairt mar eisempleir; ag ullachadh agus a' sgaoileadh nam postair/leabhraichran latha bhidio/agallamhan rèidio m.s.a.a.  The success of the Ceilidh Trail is largely dependant on the participants' willingness and ability to promote the events. Would you be willing to actively promote the tour and if so, how would you go about this? Please note any special skills or suggestions in your answer ie preparation and distribution of posters/video diaries/social media promotion/radio interviews etc.
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