Specialists in Cultural and Evolutionary Social Science
This is an open, self-identified list of individuals specializing in cultural and/or evolutionary social science, at any career level:


The list can be used to find collaborators or supervisors who work on particular subjects or in specific regions.

The list can also be sorted according to demographic characteristics in order to identify more diverse candidate pools for job searches, conference panels, or similar purposes.

You can add yourself to the list by completing the survey below.

You can update your responses later, should you need to (e.g., when you change institutions). After completing the survey you will be sent a response receipt, which contains a link that you can follow to revise your responses (so try to archive this).

Created by Bailey House
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Email *
Your First / Given Name(s)
Your Last / Family Name
Your specialization(s) *
Methods that you use (all that apply)
Methods that you use (additional details)
Your subject population(s)
Your subject populations (specific populations, societies, species of study)
Your region of work
Your theoretical focus/specialization
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