Veteran Request Form
Please fill out this form to request a Veteran for your classroom. For additional questions, please email or Jeff Davis, Program Director for Civic Education at
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Email *
First Name of Requester *
Last Name of Requester

Job Title of Requester *
School Name *
School Address  *
School City *
School State *
School Zip Code *
How many students will be in attendance?
Which of the following best describes who you would like the vet to speak to? *
What grade levels of students will be in attendance at the presentation? (Select all that apply) *
What topics are you hoping a vet would address in their presentation? *
What date(s) or date range are you hoping to host a vet speaker? *
Please provide us with any other information you'd like to, or ask any remaining questions you have here. You can also clarify any items marked "other" in the questions above.
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