Little Vikes Pre-Registration - Seaman School District
Please complete this form for your child to be considered to attend Mathes Early Learning Center for the 2024-2025 school year. The school, serves an inclusive model of 3 and 4-year-old students, in high quality, half-day & full day preschool classrooms. All information must be complete to be considered for placement. Families will be contacted for a screening date. Once a child is selected from this application process, the family will be contacted with paperwork to complete for school and to determine eligibility. Slots are limited. All preschool students in the Seaman School District receive priority preference. The completion of this form and screening does NOT guarantee your child a placement into the school. Go Little Vikes!!!!

Students must live in Seaman boundaries unless you are a staff member.  We do not accept ANY out of district transfers. 
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