Embrace Your Space 
Kindly take a moment to thoughtfully answer the questions below. I invite you to get curious, ask questions, and share your aspirations for what you hope to gain from our time together. Additionally, any personal insights or details you're comfortable sharing will be held, heard, and honored. Following your submission, we will organize a 15 minute Discovery Zoom Call to further explore, discuss, and ascertain if our energies align. Thank you for your courage, vulnerability is the first step towards truth, trust, and transformation..
Email *
First name *
Last name *
Email *
Phone number  *
How did you hear about me? *
Location *
What offerings are you most curious about? *
Are there any health-related concerns or conditions that I should be informed about?
What struggles have you previously endured or are presently confronting?

Do you have any additional questions or concerns that you would like to share with me?

Are you willing to complete the verification process necessary to be considered for a session and agree to all of the terms and conditions?
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