2025 CHAPTER  In-Person "State of the Profession" Presentation Request 
Each chapter is eligible to sign up for one (1) IN-PERSON presentation (based upon date availability)

CE: 1 
Presentation Time: Allow for 90 minutes ( 30 minutes will be non CE-related material)
Dates: Please indicate your preferences below 
Attendees: Chapters MUST guarantee a minimum of 30 attendees
Cost: There is no cost to chapters to host the presenter. Chapters are responsible for all cost associated with hosting the meeting (e.g. location, AV, food and beverage, etc.) Chapters have the option to charge their attendees. Chapters keep any fees collected
Chapters are responsible for: Location, AV, registrations, marketing, and CE certificates. Chapters need to provide an attendee list to CAMT at mchampion@camft.org upon conclusion of the presentation
CAMFT provides: The presenter (incl. travel and accommodation), presenter bio, handouts, presentation slides, syllabus, and evaluation template

CAMFT will confirm receipt of your request within 2-3 business days.

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Your First and Last Name: *
Your Email: *
Please request up to THREE (3) dates. CAMFT will confirm within 7 - 10 business days:  
Please indicate the start time(s) for the 90-minute presentation:    *
I need to communicate with your chapter about your presentations, incl. logistics, handouts, bios,  etc. How many people should I include in my communications? *
Person 1 - First and Last Name and board position: *
Person 1 - Email: *
Person 2 - First and Last Name and board position:
Person 2 - Email:
Person 3 - First and Last Name and board position:
Person 3 - Email:
Person 4 - First and Last Name and board position:
Person 4 - Email:
Person 5 - First and Last Name and board position:
Person 5 - Email:
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