Greenbelt88 & Lucky Plaza Community Survey
OfficeMax LuckyPlaza Redevelopment
3388 N. Hayden Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.  (Proposed) mixed-use at Hayden & Osborn apx
238Units & 28,800sq.ft. of retail&restaurants.

We are transforming a 40-year-old outdated shopping plaza that we've owned for the past 18 years into a 3 & 4-story/36 and 45ft. new & exciting mixed-use quality residential & retail center. We're opening up great new public areas to the community for enjoyment, working with existing tenants on potential relocation and new opportunities. (NAP, Starbucks, Carl's Jr. & Arizona Federal Credit will remain operational during renovation).

All current leases are being honored. Landlord cannot force tenants to renew expiring leases. Although for the past few years the landlord has been working with tenants in an attempt to extend their leases, including Uncle Sal’s recent several year extension, plus The Side Door, The UPS Store & others. The landlord has constantly offered tenants at least a 12 to 24 month cushion of notice prior to any potential future construction. Landlord is very hopeful to keep The UPS Store long-term & in the new development.

We value the community and would like to hear your input.
Thank you,
Todd Silver
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I support the proposed redevelopment of this center with a mixed-use plan including 28,800sq ft retail and 238residential units.
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What restaurants/retail services would you like to see at the plaza?
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Thank you for your input and for allowing us to share your feedback! Please feel free to share any additional suggestions, feedback or comments.
Thank you for your time and input!
Todd Silver
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