SCENARIO 1 (March 21-24. Conference sessions on UB's North Campus.)
PROS: There are no rental fees for either space, as they are centrally scheduled lecture halls. Although these are classrooms, the March dates coincide with Spring Break for the students.
CONS: The North Campus has very few hotel and restaurant options, and transportation will involve shuttles. The Downtown Campus is not an option during March. The weather in Buffalo is colder and less predictable in March than in May. There is no on-site childcare.
SCENARIO 2 (May 23-26. Conference sessions on UB's North Campus OR Downtown Campus)
PROS: If we host on the Downtown Campus, there are many options for lodging, restaurants, and other attractions within walking distance or a short, accessible train ride on the NFTA Metro Rail. The weather in May is decidedly better and more predictable than in March.
CONS: For the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (JSMBS) space, rental rates are not yet available, so that is an unknown number to factor into the per person cost. The per person cost range is an attempt to account for the unknown rental fees. Despite that, the Local Planning Committee favors this location over North Campus for the May dates. There is no on-site childcare.
Read the full proposal details here: